XLH70 Surf Spinning Rods

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XLH70 Surf Series Spinning Rods

Surf Rod

Need a surf spinning rod that gives you the power to cast great distances when facing difficult conditions? Look no further than the XLH70 Series Premium Graphite surf spinning rods. The XLH70 Series surf spinning rods meet that challange of the giving you the means to cast great distance. XLH70 Series surf spinning rods have a 78 million high modulus, unidirectional high strain graphite that provides superior sensitivity and power. Made in the USA!

High quality components include:

  • 78 million modulus graphite.
  • More condensed graphite running lengthwise with the rod shaft.
  • Powerful distance surf spinnng rods.
  • AA straight cork tape or graphite shrink tube handle.
  • Epoxy finished thread wraps.
  • Double foot titanium oxide guides.
  • Top quality graphite cushioned cushioned reel seats.
  • Unconditional lifetime replacement policy.
  • Comes with your name custom inscribed on the fishing poles for sale.

Select options that make the XLH70 Series best surf spinning rod truly yours. Choose between a cork tape or graphite shrink tube. Substitute titanium oxide guides with nitrate frames. Fish prism, exotic feather pattern, thread weave pattern, or rattlesnake design are also available for the XLH70 Series surf fishing rod.

Product Key XLH70 Series Surf Spinning Rods

  • XLH70 Series surf spinning rods are by power grouping within length.
  • Handle Type: CT=cork tape; G=graphite shrink tube handle.
  • The format is: # pieces, length, power, type, line weight, handle and some recommended uses.